Monday, July 14, 2014

A New Leaf

Over the past few months, I have seen many things happen within the body of Christ. Many of which, I pray won;t happen again, such as: Separation, Jealousy, Assumptions to bad conclusions, and many more. It almost made me wish that I could step away from it all and never return. Yes, I know that I should stay positive (something that I always enforce in my family) but this time, I just felt pushed-aside.

I am one of those people who, for example, lets a child cry if they didn't get their way after I explained nicely why they will not be overly-spoiled. (Shocker: She got her way, thanks to Grandma and Tia! >.<) I can be flexible, if the opportunity calls for it, otherwise I am ruthless. So you can imagine my "pain" when I was powerless in a situation.

Recently, we have let go of some of our members in our church and while I was a bit sad to see them off, I knew it was for the best. Those obstacles that I spoke about in a previous post, are now gone but they leave behind holes. This old church is now being re-born and I am afraid of all the changes that are coming.

The members of our church, who will no longer be attending, have left us open to a whole new church with now: no pianist, power point operator, two less children in Sunday school,and  no administrator who ran the entire church solo.
I am not complaining. Yes, I really miss those kids. They were such joys to have in class and to watch grow. i hate to see children being caught in the cross fires of the adults misunderstandings and losing something so precious as a bond of friendship but God puts people in our lives and then, has us move on to see the better.

I have found myself praying for their well-being and for overall peace and happiness, especially since we have shared our lives for these past five years. God Bless Them.

My older sister who is our Bassist and the Sunday School Teacher of ages 6 and under, will be leaning for her Field work in September for two months and then again for another two months after she returns for a brief period. She is a very big asset to the church and to the family. I will miss her dearly as well as realizing just how much she does around here, seeing as I will be the one who is to take her place at least, for a trail-period.

My brother seems to be jumping back and forth, much like myself from this world to God and it scares me. To the core. We are so much alike that I fear he and I will end up the same, or worse, I  better than he. There is nothing that scares me more than to see myself better than my family, in any way....minus video games...>.< Please help me pray for him.

Negative+Negative= Positive
Negative+Positive= Positive
Positive+Positive= Positive
Negative * Negative= Positive
Negative * Positive= Positive
Positive * Positive= Positive
-_-_-_-_-_-Because with God, everything can be used for Good.-_-_-_-_-_-

On a happier note, there is a lot of changes coming around here with Vacation Bible School being a huge hit (30+ Kids came everyday!!!) and now, another combined service with the Nepali Church, Korean Church, English Church, and Spanish Church! In celebration of the baptisms that will take place next month.

Also a quick congrats on my little sister's baptism!!! WOO HOO!!!

There just seems to be more changes happening...
or rather...
I am just noticing how many things change before my eyes that usually go unnoticed but I can see how God is using this for good, for our lives.

I hope that you all will continue to read these posts and that you will follow me on my journey through life. I will try to be more consistent. Sometimes, I have too much to say (according to my family, I always do) but I have a hard time wording them.
I want you all to be a part of my life.
Thank you.

God is Good...All the Time... and All the Time...GOD IS GOOD!