I am not too sure what I can say to all of you...
I can see that I haven't been writing like I was meaning to, well, to be honest I was writing...it just wasn't on here >.<
So here we go. A message to all of you..........????
I suppose now would be a good time to talk about Procrastination. (Yes, I am talking about myself but for all of you)
Now, the word Procrastination means the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention (according to dictionary.com)
This word, this action, is used by people all over the world and many believe that it is something normal or even lazy and I do hate to break this to you...wait, no I am glad to break this to you all
Procrastination is a sin.
Simple and there it is, complex.
This word is stated as more of a slacker or laziness as stated in Proverbs 10:4-5 >>>
"He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent will make it rich. He that gathers in the summer is a wise son; but he that sleeps in the harvest is a son that causes shame."
How crazy is that?
Many people don't even think of anything when they are told that they are lazy or when they are being lazy. It's pretty sad huh?
Not only do I want to use this post to apologize to all of you but to also apologize to my God who gave me the gift and passion to write and I have been wasting it by being lazy or preoccupying myself with things that are not as important as spreading his love with these simple words.
Proverbs 10:4-5, is not the only place in the Bible where there are words for the lazy people or rather, the "slothful man", "ssluggard", and so on; but there are several different places in proverbs where they come up to say that the lazy will not inherit riches. Also there are a few mentioning in Hebrews and Ecclesiastes.
So how do we break the demon of laziness/procrastiation?
Well, there are many ways to do this and it depends on why you prcrastinate in the first place. Making this a perfect time to say this is Step 1!
STEP 1: Determine why you procrastinate.
- Overwhelming Tasks
- Too Busy
- No Motivation
STEP 2: Pray that God will take away this demon and believe with all the Faith in your heart, that he will do so.
STEP 3: Follow and make-up some ways to fix this and practice them with all your heart
(For Overwhelming Tasks)
- Make a schedule and stick to it!
- Start immediately after you get a task/assignment, or jot down ideas for this task ASAP
- Don't be afraid to Ask for help from someone who may know about this or someone you simply trust.
(For Being Too Busy)
- Get away from distractions (turn off that phone, block internet if not needing it **THERE ARE BOOKS IN THIS WORLD THAT HAVE MORE INFORMATION!!!!** and be in a quiet place so you can concentrate)
- Do the easy things first! That way you have more time for the harder tasks
- REMEMBER: If you finish it, there will be more time to relax than worry about it, last minute.
(For No Motivation)
- Think how amazing it will feel once it is done! and how amazing it is going to be, to show those people what you are fully capable of!
- Move the date up to "trick" yourself that it is due sooner!
- Keep in mind, that if it doesn't get done soon, there will be unavoidable consequences.
3 Easy steps and you will be happier knowing that you are not sinning unintentionally anymore :)
Pray tonight and every day, to thank God for getting rid of that demon...I already know that he has done so for you and for me as well :)
Now let's just hope that my internet connection stays strong (Just got it back today after weeks of no internet)
God Bless you all!!! <3
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