Thursday, October 9, 2014

If you can't watch it on Sundays, why watch it at all?

I was never one for fads, or popular items, songs, culture, etc. and more than ever, I tried to avoid it. Once it was off market or people stopped talking about said item, person, etc, I would pick it up and enjoy it in peace.

This applies to modern day "rituals"; Sunday football, naps, pick-nicks or whatever, especially when it came to watching television on Sunday afternoons.

My family, parents, didn't like it in the past and so my siblings and I wouldn't do it. It was no big deal, television wasn't such a big part of our day but lately (within the last 3-4 years) we began to do so. They were usually children's movies, christian movies, or sitcoms that we saw as children...a bit of a walk down memory lane.

Now, I am a fan of The Avengers, Monster Myths (how they came to be and how they became part of traditions), and a bit of Sci-Fi, just enough to get my toes wet in the pool of random facts but my sister and I recently began watching "The Walking Dead".

I know, not the best thing to admit to...ITS A FAD!!! O.O
But I wasn't thinking it was anything bad.
I was not really interested in the fact that it focuses on zombies but rather HOW they came to be.
At first, it was some type of illness that caused it. Then, it was born in us already and once people died they became that way. Now, something about another illness being airborne that causes death which causes "dead" life.

I didn't think much of it at first but today my sister was telling me how a new episode was coming out this Sunday and that we still had 10 episodes to go through before we could see the new one.

I stopped pulling books out of my backpack and thought of something so I told her:
"We are not watching it on Sunday. It wouldn't be right."
She responded the exact thing I was thinking:

You see, I was not ok with watching that show on a Sunday but any other day was fine with me.
That seemed wrong to me the moment I said it and so I consulted my dad (Pastor Dad)
and he told me what I already knew but didn't want to admit:

If I don't find it ok on a Sunday, its not ok in general- so stop watching it.
If I don't think it is ok at first, chances are, it's not.

I liked the show enough to watch it and while my sister and I are spending time together, I know that this is not the way to do it.
So I am done with the show.
All I need to do now, is stop any sort of temptation (if there is any) and I should feel better about how I spend my time.

Perhaps, I can start doing homework ^.^

Be careful with what you see, hear, touch or where you go. Children really learn by example.

Bless You All!!!!

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